Modern Decor

Designing Tips For Your Kitchen

Kitchen is a vital part of our homes. We enjoy good food and other eatables that are prepared in this section. It is this essential part of our homes that enables us to keep fit as regards our health, mind and brain. No house can run smoothly without comfortable kitchen that must be maintained in good manners.

Those wishing to redesign or erect the kitchen may follow the following tips that are quite helpful:

  1. Think wisely – Planning a kitchen with the help of designer kitchens Kent or such entities requires careful thinking and strategy. Give preference to the function at the initial stage. Let it be a U or L shaped kitchen or a gallery type section, do think of fridge, sink and cooktop.
  2. Sufficient storage space – A majority of the homeowners ignore this specific aspect. Not allowing sufficient space for storage means you have to face hardships. It is wise to put overhead cabinets that touch the ceiling and make maximum use of the available space. Do not leave any space on the top as it may result in accumulation of dust. Deep drawers are helpful in allowing convenient approach to pans and pots. Keep sufficient storage space for the appliances that may cause inconvenience.
  3. Power sources – Do ensure that you provide suitable power sources for new or relocated appliances. Having the right electric lines and the right gas is a matter of great ease. It is recommended to measure the appliances so that they get properly fitted into the specific spaces without any difficulty. Cramming the dishwasher may result in pushing up against the hose and cause disturbance for proper drainage that causes a big problem.
  4. Proper lighting –Having overhead lighting in the kitchen is a matter of great convenience for all. Kitchens with light behind the users may lead to casting shadows on the workspace. Allow the light to fall in the front. Under-cabinet lighting system is also helpful as they shine on the countertops in direct manners.
  5.    Focus on safety aspects – Concerns like designer kitchens Kent are famous for making the kitchen quite safe for the users. Good visibility to the backyard and indoor play areas may be preferred as regards designing of your kitchen. It must be family / user friendly in all respects. Making use of safety conscious elements including slip-resistant flooring, rounded countertops and ovens since located at the adult heights is helpful in minimizing the accidental burns or other injuries.
  6. Feasible flooring – Do think about ease of maintenance and slip-resistance as regards the flooring. Periodic resealing may be needed for the stone floors that may be porous up to some extent. Though quite beautiful, yet the hardwood floors may wear out quickly due to the stove, fridge and sink etc. The earthy look and feel of the hard / natural stone works wonders as regards the flooring.

The above simple tips can prove their worth in designing a new kitchen or redesigning the old one.

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